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姓 名:孟盈


籍 贯:云南宣威

学 位:博士

职 称:教授







  • 1993.09—1997.07,中国农业大学农业环境保护专业,获学士学位

  • 1997.07—2002.08,中科院西双版纳热带植物园,研究实习员

  • 2002.09—2007.01,中科院昆明植物所植物学专业,硕博连读获博士学位

  • 2007.01—2008.12,中科院昆明植物研究所,助理研究员

  • 2009.01—2014.08,中科院昆明植物研究所,副研究员

  • 2014.09—2019.12,威廉希尔williamhill官方网站,副教授

  • 2020.01—至今,威廉希尔williamhill官方网站,教授


  • 2006.01—2006.06:美国华盛顿特区Smithsonian Institution National History Museum合作访问

  • 2007.01-2007.05:美国华盛顿特区Smithsonian Institution National History Museum合作访问

  • 2011.08-2012.08:美国华盛顿特区Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural and History,公派留学访问

  • 2018.08-2019.08美国华盛顿特区Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural and History,公派访问研究


  • 2011.07.23-07.30,澳大利亚墨尔本,参加第18届国际植物学大会

  • 2014.12.5-12.6,湖南长沙,湖南省植物学会第三届青年学术交流会

  • 2015.11.27-11.28,湖南湘潭,湖南省植物学会2015年学术年会黄精属植物的系统进化与生物地理演化格局

  • 2016.9.28-9.30,湖南吉首,第十四届全国药用植物及植物药学术研讨会药用植物黄精属系统发育与生物地理研究


  • 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划“西部博士资助项目”:广义鹿药属的系统学与保护生物学研究,2008-2010,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目:广义鹿药属的北半球洲际间断及在东亚的地理分化研究(30800058),2009.01—2011.12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目:青藏高原被子植物染色体数目及其演化研究(31070192),2011.01—2011.12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于分子系统发育和生物地理背景下的黄精族染色体进化研究(31270273),2013.01—2016.12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目:武陵山区植物区系细胞地理学研究(31560060),2016.01—2019.12,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目:天门冬科Nolinoideae亚科东亚特有属的生物地理演化及区系意义(31760055),2018.01—2021.12, 47.5万,主持

  • 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目,2019JJ40233,武陵山区被子植物染色体倍性进化研究,2019.01—2021.12, 10万元,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金地区项目:黄精族的系统发育基因组学及地理分布格局研究(32160052),2022.01—2025.12,35万,主持


  1. Meng Y, Nie Z-L, Yang Y-P, Gu Z-J.2005. Karyomorphology ofMaianthemumsensu lato (Polygonatae, Ruscaceae).Journal of Plant Research,118: 155-162.

  2. Meng Y, Xie H-Y, Nie Z-L, Gu Z-J, Yang Y-P.2006a. A karyomorphological study on four species ofMeconopsisVig. (Papaveraceae) from the Hengduan Mountains, SW China.Caryologia,59: 1-6.

  3. Meng Y, Yang Y-P, Weckerle CS.2006b. Conservation status ofMaianthemumspecies in the Hengduan Mountains: A case study analyzing the impact of new policies on wild collected plant species.Ethnobotany Research & Applications,4: 167-173.

  4. Wen J, Nie Z-L, Soejima A, Meng Y.2007. Phylogeny of Vitaceae based on the nuclear GAI1 gene sequences.Canadian Journal of Botany,85: 731-745.

  5. Meng Y, Wen J, Nie Z-L, Sun H, Yang Y-P.2008. Phylogeny and biogeographic diversification ofMaianthemum(Ruscaceae: Polygonatae).Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,49: 424-434.

  6. Nie Z-L, Wen J, Azuma H, Qiu Y-L, Sun H, Meng Y, Sun W-B, Zimmer EA.2008. Phylogenetic and biogeographic complexity of Magnoliaceae in the Northern Hemisphere inferred from three nuclear data sets.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,48: 1027-1040.

  7. Nie Z-L, Sun H, Meng Y, Wen J.2009. Phylogenetic analysis ofToxicodendron(Anacardiaceae) and its biogeographic implications on the evolution of north temperate and tropical intercontinental disjunctions.Journal of Systematics and Evolution,47: 416-430.

  8. Meng Y, Sun H, Yang Y-P, Nie Z-L.2010. Polyploidy and new chromosome counts inAnaphalis(Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China.Journal of Systematics and Evolution,48: 58-64.

  9. Nie Z-L, Sun H, Chen Z-D, Meng Y, Manchester SR, Wen J.2010. Molecular phylogeny and biogeographic diversification ofParthenocissus(Vitaceae) disjunct between Asia and North America.American Journal of Botany,97: 1342-1353.

  10. 刘亚辉,孟盈,杨永红,杨永平.2011.青藏高原六种棘豆属植物的染色体数目及核型报道.植物分类与资源学报,33: 423-431.

  11. Deng T, Meng Y, Sun H, Nie Z-L.2011. Chromosome counts and karyotypes inChaetoserisandStenoseris(Asteraceae-Cichorieae) from the Hengduan Mountains of SW China.Journal of Systematics and Evolution,49: 339-346.

  12. Meng Y, Nie Z-L, Sun H, Yang Y-P.2012. Chromosome numbers and polyploidy inLeontopodium(Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of S.W. China.Caryologia,65: 87-93.

  13. Nie Z-L, Sun H, Manchester SR, Meng Y, Luke Q, Wen J.2012. Evolution of the intercontinental disjunctions in six continents in theAmpelopsisclade of the grape family (Vitaceae).BMC Evolutionary Biology,12: 17.

  14. 孟盈,杨永平.2013.青藏高原八种菊科植物染色体核型报道.植物分类与资源学报,35: 361-366.

  15. 王广艳,孟盈,聂泽龙,杨永平.2013.青藏高原东南缘五种火绒草属植物的核型.植物分类与资源学报,35: 355-360.

  16. Fan D-M, Chen J-H, Meng Y, Wen J, Huang J-L, Yang Y-P.2013. Molecular phylogeny of Koenigia L. (Polygonaceae: Persicarieae): Implications for classification, character evolution and biogeography.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,69: 1093-1100.

  17. Nie Z-L, Deng T, Meng Y, Sun H, Wen J.2013a. Post-Boreotropical dispersals explain the pantropical disjunction inPaederia(Rubiaceae).Annals of Botany,111: 873-886.

  18. Nie Z-L, Funk V, Sun H, Deng T, Meng Y, Wen J.2013b. Molecular phylogeny ofAnaphalis(Asteraceae, Gnaphalieae) with biogeographic implications in the Northern Hemisphere.Journal of Plant Research,126: 17-32.

  19. Wang G-Y, Meng Y, Yang Y-P.2013. Karyological analyses of 33 species of the tribe Ophiopogoneae (Liliaceae) from Southwest China.Journal of Plant Research,126: 597-604.

  20. Meng Y, Nie Z-L, Deng T, Wen J, Yang Y-P.2014a. Phylogenetics and evolution of phyllotaxy in the Solomon's seal genus Polygonatum (Asparagaceae: Polygonateae).Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society,176: 435-451.

  21. Meng Y, Yang Y-P, Sun H, Deng T, Nie Z-L.2014b. Chromosome numbers, karyotypes, and polyploidy evolution ofAnaphalisspecies (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from the Hengduan Mountains, SW China.Caryologia,67: 238-249.

  22. Wang G-Y, Meng Y, Deng T, Yang Y-P.2014a. Molecular phylogeny ofFaberia(Asteraceae: Cichorieae) based on nuclear and chloroplast sequences.Phytotaxa,167: 223-234.

  23. Wang G-Y, Meng Y, Huang J-L, Yang Y-P.2014b. Molecular Phylogeny ofOphiopogon(Asparagaceae) Inferred from Nuclear and Plastid DNA Sequences.Systematic Botany,39: 776-784.

  24. 钱敏,王广艳,孟盈,杨永平.2015.青藏高原二种车前属植物的核型和C-值报道.植物分类与资源学报37: 407–415.

  25. Nie Z-L, Funk VA, Meng Y, Deng T, Sun H, Wen J.2016. Recent assembly of the global herbaceous flora: evidence from the paper daisies (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae).New Phytologist209: 1795–1806.

  26. Wang J-J, Yang Y-P, Sun H, Wen J, Deng T, Nie Z-L, Meng Y.2016. The biogeographic south-north divide ofPolygonatum(Asparagaceae tribe Polygonateae) within eastern Asia and its recent dispersals in the Northern Hemisphere.PLoS ONE11: e0166134.

  27. Xie Y-P, Meng Y, Sun H, Nie Z-L.2016. Molecular Phylogeny ofGueldenstaedtiaandTibetia(Fabaceae) and Their Biogeographic Differentiation within Eastern Asia.PLoS ONE11: e0162982.

  28. Yang Y-Y, Meng Y, Wen J, Sun H, Nie Z-L.2016. Phylogenetic analyses ofSearsia(Anacardiaceae) from eastern Asia and its biogeographic disjunction with its African relatives.South African Journal of Botany106: 129–136.

  29. Zhang X, Jiang Z, Yusupov Z, Zhang M, Zhang D, Tojibaev K, Meng Y, Deng T.2019. Prunus sunhangii: A new species of Prunus from central China.Plant Diversity41: 19–25.

  30. Meng Y, Wang J-J, Nie Z-L.2016a. Comparative morphology of leaf epidermis in 34 species ofMaianthemum(Asparagaceae, Polygonateae) and their systematic significance.Phytotaxa275: 81–96.

  31. Meng Y, Yang Y-P, Deng T, Nie Z-L.2016b. New chromosome counts, polyploidy, and karyotype evolution inAsterL.(Asteraceae: Astereae) from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Caryologia69: 370–378.

  32. 王家坚,聂泽龙,孟盈.2016.天门冬科黄精族细胞学研究进展.西北植物学报36: 834–845.

  33. Deng T, Zhang J-W, Meng Y, Volis S, Sun H, Nie Z-L.2017. Role of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau uplift in the Northern Hemisphere disjunction: evidence from two herbaceous genera of Rubiaceae.Scientific Reports7: 13411.

  34. Wang G, Meng Y, Yang Y.2017. Genome size variation among and within Ophiopogoneae species by flow cytometric analysis.Brazilian Journal of Botany: 1–9.

  35. Xiao J-W, Meng Y, Zhang D-G, He W-Q, Zhang M-H, Luo L-Y, Nie Z-L, Chen G-X.2017.Heteropolygonatum wugongshanensis(Asparagaceae, Polygonateae), a new species from Jiangxi province of China.Phytotaxa328: 189–197.

  36. Yang L-E, Meng Y, Zhou Z, Nie Z-L.2017.Rubia hangii(Rubiaceae), a new species from Guangxi Province, China.Phytotaxa291: 43–52.

  37. Zhang M-H, Zhang X-S, Nie Z-L, Zhang D-G, Meng Y.2017.Saxifraga kegangii(Saxifragaceae), a new species from Hunan province of central China.Phytotaxa309: 159–165.

  38. 华楠,孟盈,储昭福,聂泽龙.2017. DELLA基因家族在被子植物中的系统演化关系.威廉希尔williamhill官方网站学报(自然科学版)38: 46–54.

  39. 杨丽娥,孟盈,聂泽龙,孙航.2017.中国茜草属sect.Oligoneura的形态计量学研究.广西植物37: 829–840.

  40. 王家坚,彭智邦,孙航,聂泽龙,孟盈.2017.青藏高原与横断山被子植物区系演化的细胞地理学特征.生物多样性25: 218–225.

  41. Zhang C, Peng Z-B, Nie Z-L, Zhang D-G, Li K-G, Meng Y.2018. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 18 species of Epimedium sect. Diphyllon (Berberidaceae) from central China.Caryologia71: 428–437.

  42. Chu Z-F, Wen J, Yang Y-P, Nie Z-L, Meng Y.2018. Genome size variation and evolution in the grape family Vitaceae.Journal of Systematics and Evolution56: 273–282.

  43. Yang L-E, Meng Y, Peng D-L, Nie Z-L, Sun H.2018. Molecular phylogeny ofGaliumL. of the tribe Rubieae (Rubiaceae) – Emphasis on Chinese species and recognition of a new genusPseudogalium.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution126: 221–232.

  44. Jiang Y, Gao M, Meng Y, Wen J, Ge X-J, Nie Z-L.2019. The importance of the North Atlantic land bridges and eastern Asia in the post-Boreotropical biogeography of the Northern Hemisphere as revealed from the poison ivy genus (Toxicodendron, Anacardiaceae).Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution139: 106561.

  45. 蒋颖,高敏,孟盈,聂泽龙.2019.漆树科植物漆酚的多样性及演化关系研究.西北植物学报39: 552–562.

  46. Meng R, Zhang J-Y, Zhang D-G, Nie Z-L, Meng Y.2020. Data of de novo assembly and annotation of transcriptome fromAspidistra fenghuangensis(Asparagaceae: Nolinoideae).Data in Brief: 105738.

  47. Zhang M-H, Wang C-Y, Zhang C, Zhang D-G, Li K-G, Nie Z-L, Meng Y.2020. Phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history of the unique Saxifraga sect. Irregulares (Saxifragaceae) from eastern Asia.Journal of Systematics and Evolution58: 958–971.

  48. Meng R, Luo L-Y, Zhang J-Y, Zhang D-G, Nie Z-L, Meng Y.2021. The deep evolutionary relationships of the morphologically heterogeneous Nolinoideae (Asparagaceae) revealed by transcriptome data.Frontiers in Plant Science11: 2190.

  49. Meng R, Meng Y, Yang Y-P, Nie Z-L.2021. Phylogeny and biogeography of Maianthemum (Asparagaceae: Nolinoideae) revisited with emphasis on its divergence pattern in SW China.Plant Diversity43: 93–101.

  50. 张籍元,张成,孟然,张代贵,聂泽龙,孟盈.2021.天门冬科广义铃兰族的染色体数目与核型进化研究.西北植物学报41: 1315–1332.

  51. 王达,何关浩,孟然,孟盈, Wen Jun,聂泽龙.2022.狭义蛇葡萄属东亚支系的系统发生与生物地理演化.西北植物学报42: 1288–1300.

  52. Peng J-Y, Zhang D-G, Deng T, Huang X-H, Chen J-T, Meng Y, Wang Y, Zhou Q.2022. Sinosenecio yangii (Asteraceae), a new species from Guizhou, China.PhytoKeys210: 1–13.

  53. Xiao Y, Wen J, Meng R, Meng Y, Zhou Q, Nie Z-L.2021. The expansion and diversity of the CYP75 gene family in Vitaceae (K Papadopoulou, Ed.).PeerJ9: e12174.

  54. Zhang C, Meng R, Meng Y, Guo B-L, Liu Q-R, Nie Z-L.2023. Parallel evolution, atavism, and extensive introgression explain the radiation of Epimedium sect. Diphyllon (Berberidaceae) in southern East Asia.Frontiers in Plant Science14: 1234148.

  55. 吴隼, Wen Jun,孟盈,聂泽龙.2023.桦木科植物化石多样性及其在北半球的演化历史.植物资源与环境学报32: 77–88.

  56. Nie Z-L, Hodel R, Ma Z-Y, Johnson G, Ren C, Meng Y, Ickert-Bond SM, Liu X-Q, Zimmer E, Wen J.2023. Climate-influenced boreotropical survival and rampant introgressions explain the thriving of New World grapes in the north temperate zone.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology65: 1183–1203.

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